NewCamp Ministries

Camp Team



NewCamp came about from a yearning to provide an environment for God to change young people’s lives through His Word and the work of His Spirit. We long to see young people become disciples of Christ. God has done some amazing things through New Camp over the years. We are excited to see what He is going to do in 2025! I cannot think of a better leadership team anywhere. Steven Barber is a dynamic communicator that when he teaches the Bible, it comes to life. Our worship time brings us into the very presence of God. Dan Doughty completes the camp staff by creating challenging and group initiative games. Our mission is to enable youth to open their minds . . . And hearts . . . . To God’s Word and His call on their lives. Come and join us this summer and experience New Camp!

Joe Wagner
Director, NewCamp Minstries


Joe Wagner Camp Director
Steve Watson Graphic Designer
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Todd Goodman Treasurer
Dan Doughty Recreation Director
Jeanne Bozeman Secretary
Brandon Gibson Production Director
Jacob Hamilton Production Assistant, Photographer
Michael Walters Production Assistant